5 diseases, which are masked under the pain in the back

Fans to warm a sore back is worth the knowledge that their pain may actually have very different origins and heat up something in this case, not only is it useless, and sometimes dangerous. The back pain can be caused by problems with the pelvic organs. For example, in women it is associated with painful menstruation (that they have their reasons) and the tips, and with ovarian cysts, inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis and also in ectopic pregnancy, which already requires emergency. Heating in all of these cases is expressly forbidden.

Understand if everything is okay in the pelvic organs, it is possible with the ULTRASOUND.

Where to go with the sore back?

the pain in the back

Traditionally with the back pain in our country it is customary to go see a doctor-neurologist. It is not always right and not necessarily the pain in the area of the spinal column can "show" one of these specialists – doctor of physical THERAPY, the surgeon, or the therapist.

The prostate

Men when you see the back pain worth mentioning by how much time they have checked the status of the prostate. The fact is that the symptoms of chronic prostatitis can be a pain in the lower abdomen and groin, but and lower back – and often this happens at the same time.

If your back hurts men over the age of and you do not know the status of the prostate, it is worth visiting a urologist.


The back pain may not even have any relationship to the back for you take often the pain in the kidneys. This is why it is worth to suspect, if your back hurts on the sides, approximately in those places, where they go, the palm of the hand, if you stretch them back. So much more worth thinking about the kidneys, if the back pain with one hand. But whatever the nature of your pain – pulled or, on the contrary, cutting, – if she has appeared in the lumbar region, the kidneys need to verify in every case.

Well if the kidneys, it will show on the urine test, and ULTRASOUND.

Do not brush!

Exactly you need a doctor, if

  • the back pain does not pass, when you go, and back pain at night;
  • on the background of pain that you have the improvement of the body temperature;
  • the pain in any department of the vertebral column occurred after the injury;
  • you have less than 18 and over 60 years of age;
  • recently moved to the infection;
  • in addition to the pain in the back, you mark numbness of the limbs;
  • you are taking hormonal drugs;
  • before, I have been treated for cancer.

The heart

The pain of the thoracic spine (what people usually describe as "pain between the shoulder blades") can be linked to heart problems – up to myocardial infarction. Above all, a symptom alarming: the pain is accompanied by cough or respiratory problems. In this way she is not amplified, as in the case of neuralgia. An ambulance and, in the case, if the pain is paid and it is not possible to indicate exactly the sore point, if its character does not depend on the posture (back pain usually responds in the pose, you can decrease or increase when you change the position of the body), if she doesn't change, crushed, or have a massage if the pain feels more like pain in the chest, and not in the back. All it says is "in favour" of a heart attack.

At least in these cases, it is necessary to make an ELECTROCARDIOGRAM and a series of other cardiology test, if the non-emergency situation.


Your back can hurt, and because of difficulties on the part of the digestive organs. For example, a symptom of an acute pancreatitis are so-called to kill the pain when it is hurt not only the stomach, but and turn around under the shoulder blades, as if it were the body in this place of oppression circle of iron. Give under the scapula can and pain, which are actually associated with the stones in the gallbladder. Back pain sometimes gives, and the intestine. However, in these cases, besides the pain, there are other symptoms, for which you can imagine, where it actually hurts. For example, the ulcer, the pain is always in some way linked to food intake or occurs on an empty stomach or after him comes the food. Cholecystitis is often a bitter taste in the mouth. And in the same way with any other disease GASTROINTESTINAL: in addition to pain, there is usually something specific.

To clarify, I don't have the lower back pain in fact, the signs of pathology of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, can be the same methods that are used for the diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system, – ULTRASOUND, gastroscopy, blood tests, stool, etc.,

As long as you understand that it is not so with the spine

The pain in the back, an explanation is universal, that many and calm down: this is pain in the back. In reality, it is not a disease and does not explain everything a diagnosis, but just a fact: in the vertebral column occur degenerative processes, and with age you can find almost every person. In reality, the pain, even if they are not associated with lesions of the internal organs, may be due to a mass of reasons: this may be a problem with the vertebrae, with the intervertebral discs, muscles, nerves, spinal cord, etc. usually, the complete information can you give us an mri, but all the polls be held this research the doctors do not recommended especially without direction, looking for their money, "check everything at once". Magnetic RESONANCE imaging performed for all the spine – cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine, and what exactly you need to look at (and if in general), knows only the doctor.

However, you should keep in mind that to clarify the cause of the back pain is not always possible – sometimes the question, ' cause it makes me evil, and remains unanswered.

This can lead to back pain

  • Lifting and moving heavy loads;
  • Many hours of driving a car;
  • Bed uncomfortable;
  • Work long standing, and sitting;
  • Obesity;
  • The stress and depression.

And this – prevention:

  • The training of the muscles of the back and abdomen;
  • Comfortable armchair with adjustable lumbar support;
  • The ability to adjust the chair feet;
  • The correct lifting weights (with support legs);
  • High quality mattress and a good pillow;
  • Normal weight.