Why finger joints hurt, causes and treatments, accompanying diseases and symptoms. Pain syndrome occurring only in the right or left hand, diagnosis, treatment.
5 November 2023
This article describes medical and folk methods of treating osteochondrosis.
16 January 2022
Deforming arthrosis. The reason for it. The stages of development. The symptoms of osteoarthritis deformans. Diagnosis. The treatment of deforming arthrosis. Prognosis.
29 June 2020
This symptom, such as pain in the lumbar area, sign almost every person. Especially often he is addressing the female part of the population.
7 December 2018
Probably there is in the world a person who at least once in his life has not felt pain in the back and the lumbar area.
6 October 2018
What are the reasons why severe back pain? What should you do to avoid the pain?
26 August 2018
How does massage work; a Point-to-head against the headache; a headache on the hand; the Point from headaches to foot; Contraindications
30 July 2018